Top athletes around the world get up each day with the intention of being the best in their sport. These athletes look for whatever edge they can get naturally and so they train hard, eat well, push their bodies to the limit, and maximize recovery. This extreme dedication to perfecting their craft can certainly take a toll on their bodies.
MMA fighters, NFL players, cyclists, and former professional MLB players are just some athletes who are turning to CBD as a safe way to manage this soreness, improve their recovery, and to reduce reliance on over-the-counter pain medications. In fact, in May 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announced that CBD products that have had all trace amounts of THC removed (the psychoactive element within cannabis) are no longer banned. This is why all of our multi-spectrum Athlete’s Best CBD products contain 0.0% THC. Our professional and competing athletes, first responders, military personnel and those solely interested in avoiding even trace amounts of THC, swear by our products. Our hemp plants contain a naturally high amount of CBD and our proprietary extraction process leaves all other supporting cannabinoids, terpenes, and antioxidants in tact, but removes unwanted waxes and all trace amounts of THC.
How CBD Provides an Athletic Edge
Here’s why more athletes are doing their research on CBD for managing pain and inflammation naturally and without nasty side-effects:
1. Reduces Inflammation
One of the biggest issues athletes face on a daily basis is inflammation. CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and integrates with the human body to help bring it back to balance faster and reducing aches and pains from muscle tear and swelling.
2. Bolsters Immunity
CBD is high in antioxidants, which helps lower your risk for infection and boosts your immune system. After all, there is nothing more frustrating than training for months (or years!) before a crucial event, only to get sick beforehand.
3. Accelerates Muscle Recovery & Desensitizes Nerve Pain
Most athletes experience muscle aches from pushing themselves during training and competitions or nerve pain from overloading muscles in order to build greater strength and stamina. CBD works directly at the site of irritated nerve receptors by acting like a lock and key system with the human body’s existing endocannabinoid system. It sends signals to the specific problem areas, reducing pain, and speeding up muscle recovery.
4. Faster Muscle Repair
Muscle spasms in athletes happen due to the straining of a muscle, dehydration, trauma, or damage to nerves. CBD has antispasmodic properties and works with receptors present at the site of muscular synapses. In less-scientific terms, this means that CBD helps muscles rest and relax, encouraging faster muscle repair, growth, and strengthening.
5. Reduces Game-Day Stress and Anxiety
Reducing game-day nerves and managing anxiety is crucial for top athletes. The science behind CBD for anxiety shows that CBD activates mood-balancing receptors, helps to grow the hippocampus (the small organ in the brain that regulates emotions), and pumps up your “bliss molecules”.
6. Ability to Protect the Brain
For athletes that are subject to hits and blows to the head like football players, hockey players, and gymnasts, research has found that CBD could mean the difference between a severe concussion, and just a foggy head for a while. As a neuroprotectant, CBD helps to protect against damage as well as reduce damage to the brain and nervous system by encouraging the growth and development of new neurons.
Top athletes challenge the human body to the brink of its endurance and athletic capabilities in pursuit of getting to the top of their game. CBD is fast cementing its place as the natural edge top athletes have been looking for to optimize training, boost performance, and sharpen focus on their way to new athletic heights.